Celebrating Failure

One instance that i have failed over this past semester would be in my pursuit of duck hunting.  early teal season came around in September and i had put in countless hours of scouting and general prep for this short one week season.  i was out in the marsh as many days as i could be.  i had a few ducks come into my decoy set but of course, i hadn't put enough prep into my shooting skills and missed every duck that i shot at that week.  that's pretty embarrassing for me because hunting is what i do, its pretty much my whole life and for me to have put this much work into it and still come out unsuccessful was aggravating.  but i never let it get me down, i never let the lack of ducks or my poor shooting skills discourage me from getting back up at 4 am the next morning and driving to the lake again and facing the mosquitoes and the heat.  every day i was out on the water i learned more and more, i like to think that i learn more from failure simply because im learning what doesn't work and getting closer to figuring out exactly what does work.  Prior to this class i already had a pretty positive outlook on failure, but through this class it has helped me to become even more positive and helped me learn more from failure.
