Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

Through my interviews i discovered that for most of the people in my customer segment make their decision for the service based mostly the pride of the service, in this business the quality tends to not be regarded as much as price. That being said, if a customer finds a company that they like to do business with they tend to stick with them for more projects even if their price is slightly higher than other companies simply because of the business relationship that is developed.  This being mostly a B2B service, the person in charge of choosing the service provider is the purchasing agent and depending on the size of the company sometimes the owner or site manager is included in the decision.  The companies typically pay for these services once the job is complete and sometimes on credit.  After the job is complete the customers will typically send a foreman or site manager to the site to make sure that the site was cleaned and graded and such to the standards specified by the customers.  As a whole i would describe this segment as wanting to get the job done for the best price possible as well as wanting to create and honor good business relationships.


  1. Hi Andrew,
    I could not agree with you more on the fact that most consumers value relationships more than price or quality. There must be a net of trust so that there can be a more sustainable partnership. I'm not sure exactly who you interviewed, so for the future, you should include the specific people that you have interviewed and what their buying or decision making behavior is like. I think it would help you narrow down some ways to make their thought process more tangible so you can offer better solutions to gear their decision making process for own and their own benefit.

  2. Andrew,

    Good job on this post. I would have liked to read about what kinds of people you interviewed though. Also, sometimes people might forget what the idea is about so you want to review it in your post so your readers don’t get confused. Overall, you did a good job delving into your segment and identifying it’s buying motives.


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